In September of 2016, AJ Vandermeyden filed a gender discrimination lawsuit against Tesla, her employer. The female engineer alleged the tech giant paid her less than her male counterparts, and ignored multiple complaints of sexual harassment she logged against her male coworkers. Another Tesla employee said that women coworkers were […]
Author: Michael Tashji
The Tech Talent of Tomorrow—New Moms
After years of working as a product manager in an ad tech company, Svetlana Shammasova decided she wanted to learn how to code. She earned a fellowship at the Fullstack Academy, and began learning web development, but needed to drop out when she became pregnant. After her daughter was born, […]
Fixing Gender Inequality for NYC Tech Start-ups
Hurricane Sandy struck New York City in 2012, knocking out power and leaving residents and storeowners desperate to access digital data. One New Yorker saw how access varied among users, and created a service that would allow local businesses to search for available data sources. Aileen Gemma Smith, founder and […]
CUNY Students Bring Diversity to the Tech Industry
Two years after Cornell Tech and The City University of New York established a program to bring more women into tech companies in New York, the number of female CUNY students who declared computer science as their major has risen by 27%. The program, called WiTNY: Women in Technology New […]